Mynavi Corporation (head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President and Executive Officer: Yoshiaki Tsuchiya; hereinafter “Mynavi”) has invested in Flive Consulting Private Limited (head office: Delhi, India; CEO: Ankit Aggarwal; hereinafter “Flive Consulting”), which operates “Unstop,” a recruiting and matching platform through hackathons, ideathons, and other competitive events in India.
Campus recruiting is the main way companies hire new graduates in India. However, students living outside of urban areas (Tier-1 cities) have few opportunities to come in contact with company recruiters due to India’s size and its large number of universities. This results in area disparities and low employment rates.
Unstop—a competitive recruiting and matching platform operated by Flive Consulting—endeavors to match young people with jobs that will draw out their full potential. Mainly targeting university students and young professionals, it conducts assessments and ability evaluations through hackathons and competitions and provides opportunities for matching with companies. Today, more than 6 million people use Unstop, and major Indian firms—and even global companies—utilize it to find and hire young talent.
Through Unstop, Flive Consulting endeavors to solve social issues in India by creating employment opportunities for non-urban students and by providing opportunities for companies to match with high-quality human resources.
With this investment, Mynavi will play a role in addressing social issues in India—particularly those in education, employment, and human resource development—by assisting efforts to find optimal solutions and raise people’s quality of life.
▼ Mynavi Corporation company outline
Mynavi Corporation
Name: Mynavi Corporation
Location: 1-1-1 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Yoshiaki Tsuchiya, Representative Director, President and Executive Officer
Establishment: August 15, 1973
▼ Flive Consulting Private Limited company outline
Name: Flive Consulting Private Limited
Location: Somdutt Chamber 1,5, Bhikaji Cama Place, Rama Krishna Puram, New Delhi, Delhi 110066, IN
Representative: Ankit Aggrawal
Establishment: 2019