“Mynavi Shingaku” is an information site in which the information of universities, collages, and vocational schools is posted for high school students who are considering their career path. In addition to the school information, various information is updated, including the information of school tour, open campus, entrance examination, and admission application. In order for high school students to learn “what kind of member of society they want to be” and “for that purpose what kind of subject they have to learn” from their high school days, it publishes free advancement information magazines and hosts advancement events to help them find their career path and schools which are appropriate for them.
“Mynavi Tenshoku” is a comprehensive career change information service.
You can quickly find the best information meeting your needs from a variety of employment information such as about the annual salary or working from home.
The service also offers a number of ways to support you in changing your career -for example, by holding regular career change events such as “Mynavi Tenshoku Fair (job fair)”, where you can talk directly with a person from a company, or helping you prepare for resumes and interviews via a career partner.
You can also check useful information on self-analysis, selection, or how to quit a job through our videos and resources on social media.
“Mynavi Tenshoku Agent Search” is the career change information website with undisclosed information and employment information of major companies which are held by recruitment agents. The recruitment consultant checks and confirms the career and the desire of the job searcher and finds and presents the recruitment and career change information appropriate to them. From among the plentiful job postings, the job searcher can search the recruitment information by not only specifying detailed search conditions by themselves, but also selecting the consultant or the recruitment agent specialized in a specific field.
Mynavi Dental Agent is a mid-career recruitment agency service for professionals in the dental industry, including dentists, dental hygienists, dental technicians and dental assistants.
Dedicated career advisors will refer you to job opportunities after hearing your experience, and career plan and life plan.
In addition to providing detailed follow-up such as proofreading application documents and preparing you for interviews, the service also supports your job-hunting by providing you information on the corporation’s philosophy and workplace atmosphere that cannot be obtained from its website alone.
“Mynavi Furusato Nozei” is a portal website where you can support local governments across Japan through the hometown tax donation service. The website allows you to search for thank you gifts both by category and by area, offering a full range of seasonal features and campaigns. The website also features articles on the basics of the hometown tax donation service, fascinating thank you gifts, and the ways your donations are used. Mynavi Furusato Nozei aims to help local governments revitalize their regions by informing its users of efforts made in each region.
“Nalevi” is the owned media oriented to corporations, which publishes the “knowledge, experiences, cases (lessons)” of employment of part-time workers accumulated thus far on the Web, so that corporations and stores that have difficulties in employment of part-time workers can swiftly find the clues to resolve their problems. We commit to provide the latest information at all times as the recruitment navigator in order to contribute to resolution of the difficulties in employment of part-time workers.
“Mynavi Career Support” is a comprehensive information site aimed at educational faculty in charge of career and employment support. It provides examples of support at universities, explanations of timely topics, seminars for educational faculty, and more. When students complete their long educational journeys, institutions send them out into society. We align with all of you who shoulder that crucial role and duty, delivering information that can assist in supporting these students.
“Mynavi Shingaku Sougoukenkyujo” conducts various surveys to help high school students determine their future courses.
By providing various information and survey results concerning current and future options for education and careers, the institute helps each student make the best choice.
“Mynavi DX Supporters” is a coordination service introducing the best solution (company/human resource/service) for the purpose of helping DX promotion companies solve their DX/AI/innovation challenges.
Our expert DX coordinators make proposals tailored to your company from a wide range of solution categories and support you at every stage from the beginning to completion of DX.
“Mynavi Healthy Corporate Management” is the BtoB matching service developed based on the three major concepts including “corporate vitalization by human resources,” “regional revitalization and regional recreation,” and “corporation reborn” centering around the trust relationship with the corporations and management layers in various industries.
It aims at improving the branding of “the corporation in which employees are always healthy, enthusiastic, and active” and enhancing the employment and retention status and the corporate values centering around the five main pillars including “Mynavi Temporary Transfer Support,” “Mynavi Temporary Exchange of Employee between Companies,” “Mynavi Advisor,” Welfare Program, and SDGs Support.
YELLoop is a community support service that connects a company and its alumni, including retirees and seniors, and helps develop new relationships between them.
YELLoop enables a company to maintain contact with its alumni, using our community operation and management system dedicated to the company and alumni as well as consulting support. We provide this service to help develop new relationships between an organization and its alumni and create new values for each team and the organization.
Mynavi Medical and Nursing Care Management is a service through which customers can take advantage of professional staff well-versed in the medical and nursing care sectors “when they’re needed and for however long they’re needed.”
By fusing the knowledge and expertise we have cultivated over the years with that of professional staff who are active on the frontlines of the medical care, nursing care and welfare domains, we help corporations resolve management issues and achieve further business growth.
“Mynavi Clinic Navi” lets you search for medical and dental clinics from data on more than 166,000 clinics throughout Japan. You can find a clinic that’s just right for you by combining area information, such as the town where you live or the station near your company, with the treatment specialty you’re looking for (e.g., internal medicine, dermatology, dentistry). Clinic recommendation articles, more than 100 of which are updated every month, provide information on clinics recommended by our editorial staff. We also post various types of helpful medical information.